The Indian city of Bangalore is preparing for Zero Shadow Day, which will take place there on August 18, 2023. This phenomenon, which occurs twice a year, is caused by the Earth being tilted 23.5 degrees to the plane of its orbit. This means that the Sun is never directly overhead, but slightly lower to the north or south. Day zero shadow occurs only in the areas between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. During the event, the shadow of stationary objects such as people will not fall on the ground.
Bangalore, known for its technological advancements, is gearing up for its second unique astronomical event, Zero Shadow Day, on August 18 this year. This captivating event at 12:24 PM creates interesting events. Pedestrians walking on the road find it difficult to see their reflection. Meanwhile, solid objects such as people and poles do not cast a shadow on the ground unless they bounce off.
locations between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn in the 23.5 to -23.5 degree latitude region, zero shadow days happen twice a year. In 2023, this incident would have happened on April 18 at exactly 12:17. Hyderabad witnessed the event on 3 August and 9 May of the same year at 12:23 PM.
Experts from the Astronomical Society of India say that because the Earth is inclined 23.5 degrees to the plane of its orbit around the Sun, the Sun is never straight up, but slightly down to the north or south. It has been announced that it will be preserved. , That is why we experience different seasons.
To understand this phenomenon, imagine a huge dome in the sky with a spire at the top. When you observe your shadow under normal conditions, it usually appears to extend to the ground. However, during that particular period when the shadow is perfectly aligned below you, those outlines are absent from the ground. This critical moment coincides with the Sun reaching its zenith, the highest point of its revolution.
Unfortunately, days without shadows are very rare, only twice a year. It is a day when you can hardly see your shadow under the sun.
The start of a day with zero hadows is determined by a specific time and coordinate, which varies by location. While solar noon is standardized at noon, this time varies due to the Earth’s tilt and orbit around the Sun.
Chhaya’s absence will be felt most in Bengaluru on August 18, 2023 at 12:24 PM. Observers will see their shadows progressively vanishing as solar noon draws near.People who are attracted to shadows find a gradual decrease in the length of the shadow by observing objects such as bottles, lanterns, rods and pipes on rooftops. Exactly at 12:24 p.m. On August 18, the shadow time will reach zero and the shadow will completely annihilate for a moment, creating a mesmerizing sight for all to see.